第三届亚洲环保创新论坛(AEIF2017)系列活动之一Co-opetition-based Learning(竞合项目式学习)由Upbeing策划,“变废为宝竞合项目式学习”也已于近期在上海开展了启动工作坊。结合AEIF2017以联合国(2015-2030)17个可持续发展目标中的第12项“负责任的消费与生产”作为年度主题。Upbeing希望在这个主题之下连结更多不同背景的人,结合自己专长和优势长期行动,不同地域和群体相互协作,通过共同学习促进成果,实现可持续的社会影响力。
This year's AEIF takes the 12th "Responsible Consumer and Production" of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030) as the annual trending topic, the way to develop Sustainable and responsible environmental lifestyles and the establishment of a sustainable development model that effectively promotes the efficient use of resources and energy will be discussed with guests and participants from different countries and regions.
Co-opetitionbased Learning 模仿生物的自创生的理论,共三个版块
The workshop is designed in three sections based on biological self-generated theory
(Project process for 3 months)
[三个月过程会有以下产出 Outcome of 3 months]
1. 各地形成一个团队必须有学生参与或学生发起,制定一个行动计划
To develop a plan of action in different regions by student involvement or student initiative
2. 变废为宝的行动与产出(即影响了多少人,减少了多少废弃物,增加了多少有用的“宝贝”)
The Action and output (ie, how many people were affected, how much waste was reduced, and how much recycled products was added)
3. 各地项目之间集体互助咨询之后,有新的迭代方案出炉
New plan will be designed by the integration team
4. 在将各地方案与行动产出整合之后,创造出新的内容,如新的课程、工具包与新的就业机会等可能性,以此影响力更多人。
New contents such as new courses,toolkit,and job opportunities will be created and influnence more people.
1. 各地方案放到我们的网站上帮助团队进行社会导师和社会资源匹配
Programs will be put on our website to help the team match with the mentor and other social resources.
2. 12月将有一个月的时间不定期举行直播活动,邀请社会导师教大家如果在生活中变废为宝
Online classes will be held in Qianliao broadcasting room, teachers will teach us way to turn waste into treasure in our daily life.
Reuse plastic bottles as flowerpot
Make dry waste into living goods (chair, table,decorations)
[ 变废为宝导师Mentor ]
高坤 Gao Kun
City zero waste expert
The Urban Zero Waste Program was launched in 2013 to study the decontamination and recycling of municipal solid waste sources, the conversion of sponge perpetual plantings, the cultivation of sustainable plant forest, the processing of natural foods and daily necessities. Currently Kun is building a self-sufficient eco community, so that we can easily see the practical applications.
What students will get
For organization
Networking and grow long lasting bonds with other organization nationally.
参与本次竞合项目式学习并成功举办相关活动的机构可获得由亚洲环保创新论坛(AEIF)和Upbeing 联合颁发的证书。
Certificate issued by AIEF&Upbeing
Part of the National Practice Cooperation Orgainizations
益智乐心自然课堂(山西Shangxi Province)
云南在地自然教育中心(云南 Yunnan Province)
行动派(沈阳 Liaoning Province)
佳得智教育(厦门 Fujian Province)
鹿野营地(杭州 Zhejiang Province)
蓝巨星亲子(杭州 Hangzhou )
绿乐园(周庄 Zhouzhuang)
乐享自然(福州 Fuzhou)
... ...
Become Practice Cooperation Organization
报名链接 Register
国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年
International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash
在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。
At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.