
亚洲环境执法奖(Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards)由联合国环境规划署(UNEP)设立,联合国发展署(UNDP)、联合国毒品与犯罪问题办公室(UNODC)、国际刑警组织( INTERPOL)、《濒危动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)秘书处和世界海关组织(World Customs Organization)等联合评审,奖项旨在公开表扬政府官员、机构或团队在打击跨境环境犯罪方面的卓越执法表现,授予在执行国家法律打击跨境环境犯罪方面表现卓越和杰出领导能力的个人和/或政府组2023“亚洲环境执法奖”。




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3.MS. TILOTAMA VARMA,印度警察局野生动物犯罪控制局副主任获“女性赋能奖”

4.MS. NENENG KURNIASIH,印度尼西亚环境和林业部执法总局调查员获得“女性赋能奖”


1. 中国海关总署缉私局联合新加坡国家公园局(Singapore National Parks, Singapore Customs, and Anti-Smuggling Bureau of China Customs),获“合作奖”。

2. 黄埔海关缉私局联合泰国、越南海关(Enforcement Division of Thai Customs Department, Anti-Smuggling Bureau of Huangpu Customs (China), and Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department of Viet Nam Customs),获“合作奖”。

3. Swayam Mallick, Ajay Kumar Sahoo, Ghanashyam Mahanta and Sanjib Rout, 印度奥里萨邦政府森林和环境部科恩吉哈尔森林司(Keonjhar Forest Division, Department of Forest and Environment, Government of Odisha (India))“创新奖”。

4. Dr. Anna Wong, 新加坡国家公园局主任(Director, Singapore National Parks),获“性别领导”、“女性赋权”奖。


1. 尼泊尔警方中央调查局(Central Investigation Bureau, Nepal Police )Sudarshan Panthee & Birendra Singh Johari,获“影响力奖”(Impact)。

2. 菲律宾象牙和非法野生动植物贸易行动小组(POGI),获“影响力奖”。

3. 马来半岛野生动植物和国家公园部(DWNP)&马来西亚皇家警察特遣队( (Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) Peninsular Malaysia & Royal Malaysia Police Taskforce)Operasi Bersepadu Khazanah,获“影响力奖”。

4. 阿特加尔森林部门的森林官员(Divisional Forest Officer, Athgarh Forest Division)Sasmita Lenka,获“影响力奖”和“性别领导奖”(Gender Leadership)。

5. 菲律宾海关总署区海关署长(District Customs Collector, Philippines Bureau of Customs)John Simon,获“影响力奖”和“中正不阿奖”(Integrity)。

6. 印度野生动植物犯罪管理局(Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, India),获“创新奖”(Innovation )。

7. 马来西亚环境部执行处(Enforcement Division, Department of Environment, Malaysia),获“合作奖”(Collaboration)。

8. 印尼国家警察局长Adi Karya Tobing,Sugeng Irianto,以及环境和林业部执法总干事Rasio Ridho Sani,获“合作奖”。


1. 印度杜德瓦老虎保护区野外主管(Field Director, Dudhwa Tiger Reserve, India)Ramesh Kumar Pandey,获“影响力奖”。

2. 中国海关总署缉私局(The Anti-Smuggling Bureau (National Anti-Smuggling Coordination Office) of the General Administration of China Customs),获“创新奖”。

3. 印尼环境与林业部执法总局(Directorate General of Law Enforcement, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Republic of Indonesia),获“创新”、“中正不阿”、“性别领导”奖。

4. 老挝国内市场制冷剂检验联合检查组(The Lao PDR Joint Inspection Team (JIT) on Inspection of Refrigerants in Domestic Market),获“影响力奖”。

5. 中国-新加坡跨部门团队(China-Singapore Inter-Agency Team),获“合作奖”。


1. 越南芽庄庆和人民法院法官Ms. Le Thi Hang(Ms. Le Thi Hang, Judge at Khanh Hoa People’s Court, Nha Trang, Viet Nam),获“中正不阿奖”。

2. 尼泊尔警方中央调查局第四支部(Pillar 4 Central Investigation Bureau, Nepal Police),获“中正不阿奖”。

3. 特别嘉奖:泰国Thungyai Naresuan野生动物保护区主任Wichien Chinnawong(Special Commendation: Mr. Wichien Chinnawong, Thungyai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary Chief, Thailand),“中正不阿奖”。

4. 由泰国海关、泰国皇家警察和国家公园、野生动植物保护部组成的泰国团队(Thailand Team, composed of the Thai Customs, the Royal Thai Police, and the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation),获“影响力奖”。

5. 中国海关总署缉私局(Mr. Wang Wei, Director of Investigation II of Anti-Smuggling Bureau of General Administration of China Customs),获“影响力奖”。

6. 泰国皇家海关调查和镇压第三司小组Decha Wichaidit(Team of the Investigation and Suppression Division III of the Royal Thai Customs, under the Director Mr. Decha Wichaidit),获“创新奖”。

7. 韩国海关国际调查部门(International Investigation Division, Korea Customs Service),获“创新奖”。

8. 印度环境、森林和气候变化部野生动植物犯罪管理局(Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India),获“创新奖”。

9. 前马来西亚半岛野生动植物和国家公园部(Joil bin Bombon)和前印度野生动植物犯罪控制局R.S. Sharath(Mr. Joil bin Bombon, former Dept. of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia and Mr. R.S. Sharath, former Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, India),获“合作奖”。



1. Mrs. Enkhtuya Surenjav, :蒙古海关税务总局讲师(Lecturer Trainer of General Authority for Customs and Taxation of Mongolia),

2. Mr. Rajapaksa Pathirage Don Tharaka Seneviratne, 斯里兰卡海关退休副总干事(Retired Additional Director General of Sri Lanka customs)

3. Mr. LIU Xiaohui, 中国海关总署缉私局局长(Director General of the Anti-Smuggling Bureau of the General Administration of China Customs)。

4. Mr. Chang Ryung Han, 韩国关税厅调查科科长(Director of the Investigation Division of the Korea Customs Service)。


1. 中国国家消耗臭氧层物质管理办公室(National Management Office of Ozone Depleting Substances of the People’s Republic of China)

2. 缅甸联邦共合国流动小组(The Mobile Team of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar)

3. 中国海关总署缉私局(The Anti-Smuggling Bureau, General Administration of China Customs)

4. 菲律宾海关执法局环境保护组(Environmental Protection Unit, Enforcement and Security Service, Bureau of Customs, Philippines)



1. Major Nicomedes Petallo Enad, 菲律宾海关执法和保安处环境保护组警长/特警少校(Chief/ Special Police Major, Environmental Protection Unit, Enforcement and Security Service, Bureau of Customs, Philippines)

2. Wang Liang, 世界海关组织亚太区情报联络处情报分析员(Intelligence Analyst, World Customs Organization Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific)

3. Police Superintendent Osmundo Dupagan Salibo, .菲律宾国家警察海事集团特种舰队队长(Chief, Philippine National Police Maritime Group Special Boat Unit, Philippines)

4. Police Senior Superintendent Jonathan Viernes V. Ablang,菲律宾国家警察海事集团行动副主任(Deputy Director for Operations, Philippine National Police Maritime Group, Philippines)

5. Do Thanh Quang, .越南胡志明市陈松芽国际机场海关处经理(Manager, Tan Son Nhat International Airport Customs Branch, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam)


1. 泰国反洗钱办事处(Anti-Money Laundering Office, Thailand)

2. 中华人民共和国南京海关(Nanjing Customs District, People's Republic of China)

3. 汤加王国税收和海关部(Ministry of Revenue and Customs, Kingdom of Tonga)

4. 菲律宾国家警察海事集团(Philippine National Police - Maritime Group, Philippines)

5. 野生动物快速救援队,柬埔寨林业局,皇家宪兵高棉和野生动植物联盟(Wildlife Rapid Rescue Team, Cambodian Forestry Administration, Royal Gendarmerie Khmer and Wildlife Alliance, Cambodia)

6. 印度税收情报局(Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), India)

7. 菲律宾海关执法局环境保护组(Environmental Protection Unit, Enforcement and Security Service, Bureau of Customs, Philippines)

8. 世界海关组织亚洲及太平洋区域情报联络处(World Customs Organization Regional Intelligence Liaison Office for Asia and the Pacific)


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    +86 0755 82762819; info@aeif.asia